If you are in college right now, rejoice! Enjoy these three years of your life because it is gonna be over before you know it. So believe it or not; this is the only time you have to experiment with your life and explore as much as you can! This is the time for you to do the most random shit and get away with it! Because soon, you are gonna walk across that stage, pick your diploma, bid adieu and leave permanently.
So, we present to you the list of things that every college student must do before graduating. If you have completed all the tasks on this bucket list, you should be very pleased with yourself. And if not, the gear up and start right now and make the most of your glory years. Feel free to add to your own suggestions in the comment section.
- Take a Complete Campus tour: There are way too many things that are present in your campus but never came to your notice. More often than not; you will discover places that you never knew and they are gonna be your ‘adda’ for the rest of your college years. So, before you decide to venture out, explore
your campus first. - Go on a road trip with your college friends:
Because why not? These will be your friends for life and you have got to enjoy your college life with them. You will never get to live in such close proximity again. These are the moments you will always cherish.
Crash into an unknown college party and make new friends: This will be super fun!! And to be honest, what’s the worse that could happen? But later on, when you will grow up and will become too busy, you will always look back at these moments and cherish this experience.
- Get a part-time job: College is the only time
where you can develop your personality and expand your horizon. A part-time job will take some financial burden off your parents and help you get some exposure about the outside world. - Pick a college activity that you were always scared to attempt and DO IT: If not now, then when? You are never gonna get time to attempt these activities again. This is your golden time. Trust me, you will feel really good after doing it!
- Experiment with your hair: Cut them short, get them coloured, get streaked. Go wild and enjoy every hairstyle!
- Go on a Blind date: It could either be a complete disaster or a dream come true; but this needs to be tried once. Ask your friend to set you up and just go for it! You never know, years later, you will find yourself thanking your friend for setting you up with the man/woman of your dreams.
- Go and Visit each and every place that offers a student discount: You are barely left with a few years to avail this beautiful discount. So, just go out to every place and abuse these offers because they won’t last long.
- Dance on the table: Try it at some point in your college life, just because it’s really fun. And when will you get the time for such stupidity later?
- Give a piece of your mind to someone who annoys the hell out of you: S/he is annoying and does not treat you right? I say, you go upto him/her and kick his/her ass. You won’t regret it.
So, there you go! You got yourself a bucket list! J but precisely, do anything that makes you happy. Don’t think twice before doing anything and don’t regret anything later. Good decisions come from experience, and experience comes from bad decisions. Stay happy and enjoy your precious years.
Harshita Jain | Content writer | DU Times