
5 things about your First Semester at College- Get Excited!

As the days are coming nearer for the 'Freshers'-DU aspirants to witness a whole new world in itself, here are some tit-bits that they will...

To The Brighter Side

This lockdown can be straining for our brain as well as our body. It is indeed a very complex and difficult time. However one...

Political activism in University students

The first and foremost thing about activism in students of universities is something that upholds the awareness amongst students or representative bodies of the...

Adventure Sports: Fostering Leadership Skills in College

Adventure Sports: Fostering Leadership Skills in College Introduction: Adventure sports, widely-regarded as no more than adrenaline-producing endeavours, have the power to transform college students deeply. Whether...


Missing your friends in this Lockdown? Here are some movies which will make you cherish your memories and your friendship with them. Sholay -...

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Filicide: Why parents are killing their own child?

Filicide: Why do people tend to kill their children?  Filicide refers to an act of killing one own’s child. This is something unfathomable crime which...

Pt. Deendayal Upadhyaya : A National Seminar

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Cyberbullying: Understanding Causes, Effects, and Prevention

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Cultivating Self Confidence: Strategies for Building Self-Confidence

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