Delhi University staffer tests positive for coronavirus

Delhi University staffer tests positive for Cvid19: A staffer of the Delhi University’s School of Open Learning has tested positive for coronavirus, according to an official at the educational institute.

The man, who works as a junior assistant-cum-typist, tested positive for COVID-19 two days ago, the official said.

Delhi University staffer tests positive

He stays in the staff quarters in Dhaka in northwest Delhi and is currently at a quarantine centre in Narela, he said.

It is suspected that the staffer contracted the virus when he had gone to the RML Hospital for a check-up, the official said.

After he developed mild breathing problems, he got himself tested at a private facility and his report came positive.

The man informed authorities and was taken to the Narela quarantine centre, the official said.

The staffer was living with his aged parents, while his wife and children were away.

He informed university officials and the local bodies about his condition, the official said, adding that the area where he stays was sanitised. Delhi University staffer tests positive for coronavirus.

Source: PTI

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