Memory Power: The Art of Remembering 

Memory Power: The Art of Remembering 

Memory power is one of the assets that highlights a person from the group. The privilege of having an effective memory is considered a gift. Creativity is one of the benefits of having high memory. People who remember a lot can gather maximum information and experiences to make a better decision, especially in a challenging situation.

Moreover, it helps in learning and adapting to new circumstances. Supermemory aids students and working professionals to excel academically and professionally. Continuous learning is irresistible in the competitive world. Lifetime learning will keep a person updated and outshine the crowd.

“Memory keeps us the person we are today and aids in shaping the future too.”

How does the brain store the incident:

Memories are stored in the region called the hippocampus, which is the part of the brain. Brain cells or neurons play a prominent role in storing a person’s memory. Interactions between brain cells will decide in which place memories are to be stored. If the memory is continuously stimulated, the person will have a high remembrance regarding that particular incident. This means the information is stored in the long-term memory storage.

The person stores the incident based on sight, sound, smell and more. These are the codes that are understandable by the brain. Additionally, these codes are blended with the visuals and stored in a form which the brain can acknowledge. 

What are things that the brain stores easily:

Brains store smell, visuals, sounds, and emotional contents. Emotional content includes strong emotions that we endured during our challenging times. It might be a relationship failure, the death of our loved ones and more. Additionally, the brain also remembers strong positive emotions that we enjoy. It can be marriage day, the first achievement that a person attained and more.

Ways to boost memory power:

Engage in mental activity: Reading books that make you learn new skills and aid in improving memory storing capacity. Usually, people will leave the habit of learning and reading after completing their academic studies.

This restricts the brain from learning, storing and retaining the gathered information. This acts as one of the reasons for low memory power. Engulfing in puzzles like crossword, sudoku, and sequence-recognizing games will activate the brain and prepare for enhanced memory power.

Engaging in physical activity: Physical activity increases blood flow in the human body and the brain will get enough supply. This enhances productivity as well as memory power by making the person active from within.

Practising aerobic exercises such as brisk walking, cycling and swimming will promote brain function. Moreover, yoga reduces stress, and anxiety and improves cognitive abilities. Yoga involves stretches and breathing techniques that improve oxygen flow to the brain.

Engaging with acquaintances: Spending time with friends, acquaintances and family will create a sense of relief. Laughing with them keeps us out of stress, depression, and anxiety. Memories are associated with stress and depression. The more we are in a depressed environment, the greater the possibility of having low memory power.

Stress and depression will make a person lose his part of memory as they are focused too much on the situation. Crying and being sad are also the reasons that cause depleted memory. Living in a happy and positive environment will enhance the person’s memory power.

Practice rehearsing: Brain cells will make a strong connection with each other only when they are triggered continuously. This means if a person wants to remember a detail, they need to rehearse the information and trigger the brain cells. This creates a strong connection between the neurons and the memory will shift to the long-term memory storage region.

Learn New Skills or a New Language: Lifetime learning keeps the brain active and more absorbable. Learning skills that suit your interests will help you stimulate memory power and keep you updated. Language learning involves exposure to new words, phrases, and sentences. Memorizing all these words will keep your brain activity in check.

Memory aid Technique: Memory-aiding techniques involve mnemonic devices and chunks. The mnemonic technique helps to store the information in a unique way. This means in the form of acronyms, kinds of music, songs, rhymes or comparing with similar other concepts. For example, children learn their alphabet in the rhyme format, as they can easily learn, memorize and access them in their memory. 

Stay organized and filter the information: Tracking your daily activities and making notes out of them will help you to memorize incidents of that day. Building a strong connection with your brain involves writing the incident or information that you want to store as a long-term memory. Identify your interests, this helps to store the necessary information and leave the rest behind.

Get enough sleep: Implementing a sleeping schedule will help to improve the activities of the brain. Proper sleep boosts memory power and access information easily. Recommended sleeping hours are around eight. Following this reduces stress and initiates peace. The brain needs peace and serenity to work for its full potential.

Avoid using smart devices to recall information: Try to remember everything manually and take notes of the tasks that need to be completed. Overuse of smartphones will make the person rely on them and promote laziness in remembering information on their own.

In conclusion, building a strong memory power is a gradual process. Creating healthy habits and implementing techniques that promote brain activity are prominent. Continuous practice will lead to the desired results. Moreover, robust memory power is a lifetime process and needs to be practised daily with consistency. 





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