Martin Heidegger (1889-1976) was a fascinating German philosopher counted among the main exponents of the existentialist movement. His groundbreaking work in ontology and metaphysics, determined the course of 20th century philosophy on the European continent and entered an enormous influence on humanistic, discipline, humanities psychology, and most importantly theology, which is different from philosophy of religion.
According to him in each era, the question concerning technology plays a vital role in human life. This is called the way of thinking of human beings which possess Language that always remains extraordinary and complex.
Main Expression:
We human beings want a free relationship with technology technology and when humans maintain free relationship with technology technology, it poses two questions or rather the important things which are the human existence and the human essence with technology technology. He says that technology is not equivalent to the essence of technology, for example, the essence of trees, he says. We have to become aware that that which pervades every tree is not itself, a tree that can be encountered among all other trees. Questioning builds a way of thinking through language to a free relationship to the essence of that, which is one question. For him, there is no opting out of technology thinking. This idea starts from strong roots as he proceeds with his method of questioning.

Heidegger says that when we ask the question concerning technology, we ask what it is that it is composed of, and everyone knows that two statements that answer our question: technology is a means to an end. Technology is a human activity and these two definitions of technology belong together, for two opposite ends and procuring and utilizing the means to them is a human activity. According to him in the recent era, we want to discuss the concept of technology as a means and end and human activity. It has been divided into two parts. The instrumental relation to any non living entity. For example, the manufacturing unit or any nonliving thing required to process a business, and then we are having the anthropological definition of technology, which are the human resources and activities that are requiring rationality, logic, discipline, human values, benefits of the society and functions while referring to all the mandate and created technological produces.

He points out that this must remain correct that modern technology too is a means to an end , the instrumental definition of technology technology is indeed so correct that it even holds for modern technology in other respects. We maintain with some justification that it is in contrast to the holder, hard hand related technology, something different and therefore new. Even the power plant with its turbines and generators is a man-made means to an end established by Layman, That is why the instrumental conception of technology, technology conditions, every attempt to bring man into the right relation to technology.

Critical Analysis:
Moving to the discussion of the four causes which were given by Aristotle and these four causes instrumental terms and he claims that the material cause then we have the formal cause. Then we are having the final cause and we are also having the presence of the efficient cause we get to see all of these exactly similar elements equally present in the thriving Indian philosophical outlook, which is generally termed as, the theory of causation of the school “Vaisheshika” causes are the ways in which a thing is held responsible or indebted to understand what he has in mind. Here we need to focus on suggestive examples of making and the concepts he develops to give us a pre-technological understanding of the process. We will start with the example of a marble sculpture, His terms the statue is indebted to the material, which is the marble, the discus tower And the goal memorizing a heroic athlete, the sculptor Who is the efficient cause gathers together? The aspect of indebtedness matter form and coal brings forth the sculpture does bringing or bursting forth happens through the artist.
But we need to understand what is this bringing forth and how it actually takes place in nature and in art now elaborating on Aristotle for cause he maintains that in material matter is responsible, formal form is responsible. The goal is a responsible and efficient maker responsible for gathering together the other three. He then proceeds to explain that bringing forth is also a part of unrevealing , but what does it have to do with the technology? Everything he expands this for bringing forth is grounded in revealing so if we require step-by-step into what technology represented as a means actually is, then we shall arrive at the revealing.
In the final conclusion, we can hear by declare confidently that art relationship to the world according to him is different from technologies in that art is less concerned with the measuring and classifying the resources of the world, then it is with the talking part in process of coming to being and revealing the characteristics existence as much as poem reveals it also conceals. Technology has become controversial, a favorite child in this crucial part of our society. He found out that the closer we come to the danger, the more brightly, the way of saving power begins to shine. The trick is to enter into a free constantly critical, constantly questioning relationship with the technology. Basically, we need to expedite the utilization of the critical analysis as well as the conscious evaluation of our determined actions pertaining to the very interpersonal bond created with the technology in the most bare manner.