b.sc ( hons) in computer science at du

DU Forms Panel to Investigate College of Art’s De-Affiliation

New Delhi: After a substantial section of its executive council voiced dissatisfaction with a proposal to combine it with the Delhi government-run Ambedkar University,...
DU colleges re-opening from today.

DU Colleges to reopen from today! Know the guidelines here.

With the number of COVID-19 cases in Delhi declining, Delhi University (DU) has chosen to reopen its campus in stages. DU will reopen on...
Delhi University's Rank

Delhi University’s Rank falls in the NIRF Ranking 2021

The Ministry of Education released the NIRF (National Institutional Ranking Framework) 2021 on Thursday, The University of Delhi ranked 12th-falling from 11th last...

NIRF RANKING 2021: 5 Delhi University Colleges in top 10

The NIRF Ranking 2021 was released on September 09 by Education Minister Dharmendra Pradhan. Miranda House continued to retain the first rank for the...
Deadline for MPhil PhD

Deadline for MPhil PhD Thesis Submission Extended by 6 Months: UGC

The University Grants Commission (UGC) has announced the extension of the deadline for MPhil and PhD thesis submission for scholars by six months. The...

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Cyberbullying: Understanding Causes, Effects, and Prevention

Cyberbullying: Understanding Causes, Effects, and Prevention Introduction  Digital age, technology advancements have redefined the dynamics of communication, socialization and interaction. Although the internet provides numerous ways...

Child: A Kite, Roaming in Endless Skies

Child: A Kite, Roaming in Endless Skies In the canvas of life, a child is comparable to a kite in the sky, dancing and floating...

Cultivating Self Confidence: Strategies for Building Self-Confidence

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Mastering the Art of Effective Communication

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The Science of Happiness

The Science of Happiness  Introduction Happiness is a pursuit that is universal, and which is central to human existence. It involves joy, satisfaction and contentment in...