Lockdown 5.0 and unlock 1.0 will go hand in hand in the nation.The government of India declared to ease the lockdown in various regions, although is in no favour to ease them in the containment zones. The government announced on 30th May regarding the extension of lockdown till 30th June. The Ministry further added that there will be ease in restrictions in safer zones. Permissions have been given to open malls, religious places and restaurants from 8th June.
The new guidelines thus released, provides flexibility to state governments. They will decide the opening of educational institutes.
While things have eased down in various zones, the restrictions have not been eased in the high-risk areas. The rules of lockdown to still stay the same. Only essential activities will be allowed. The centre has asked information from the states of the containment zones. Further, they have asked the state governments to identify these zones on the factors of high-risk. These factors include- confirmation rate, fatility rate, tests-per-million people, etc.
Chief Ministers of various states have welcomed this decision. Mamata Banerjee already declared to open all activites from June 1.The states of Punjab, M.P, Haryana, etc. have also decided to open up. On the other hand, Karnataka, Goa are on the verge of opening the restaurants from June 1. They have further requested the central to permit opening of gyms and grounds. States of Rajasthan, Goa have also announced opening the state for tourism purposes. This will mark the inititation of unlock 1.0.
Although, the restrictions are lifted, night curfew will still be maintained in the entire nation from 9 pm to 5 am. People will be allowed to stay out for essential purposes during this time. Amidst all this, the lockdown 5.0 will be applied to all containment areas.
Further now, there will remain no restrctions on inter-state movement of people and goods. However, states may put some restrictons on the same.