Tips for an Ideal Resume!

Hey there, the confused first year souls, the tensed and anxious second years and  very busy third years, these tips are something you all might be direly desiring and these are straight from an expert’s desk for you all. In this very competitive crazy corporate race, Resume is like the most important weapon in your hands. So it needs to be sharp, sharp enough to pave a clear way for you to the interview round. Read these tips and incorporate them in your Resume!


  • One Paged: This rule needs to be sticked upon. Your Resume should be one-paged no matter how much matter do you have. Prioritize the main points instead of putting them all. Use a smaller font. Your Resume has to be comfortable for the employer to read and handle, and it will work good if the employer can see it all in a single page in spite of turning pages.
  • Don’t be too Fancy: It’s fine to format your Resume properly but remember to not cross the limits for this. Resume is something very formal, it must reflect your seriousness and not desperateness. It should be in a formal word format. No colors, No unnecessary designs and No childish decoration. Be creative, but be smartly creative.
  • The Matter: What you mention in your Resume is a direct reflection of what you are. Mentioning your 8th class achievements is a complete no no. This shows that you may not have much matter to mention in your Resume and that is why you have put in your primary school matter. Until and unless it is something very worthy, for instance, a state or a national level competition, try to not mention it in your CV. Instead, Try and mention your recent achievements.
  • Format according to Use: Format your CV according to what job profile/role you’re applying for. Now This is a clever tip. Mention and highlight the points that you think are more desired for the respective job. For instance, for a content writing job, mention firstly the achievements or internships that you have in that field and rest of the points such as winning a quiz maybe, later on.
  • Do not use First person, Use third person: Use of “I did ‘a-b-c’, I organized, I won” etc. are prohibited. This makes you look boastful of yourself. Instead, mention these into third person. For example, ‘Organized abc confluence as the team head’. Highlight your role , and the duties or responsibilities you performed.
  • Mention Figures: Use of numbers where necessary enhances your Resume. This puts a straightforward impression in front of your employer. Suppose you have won a case study competition in which there were like 10,000 participants. Mention this fact along with the achievement in your Resume. This enhances your achievement. But do not use this at the place where it might do more harm than benefit. Winning something or getting selected among 5-10 applicants is not a very big deal.
  • Avoid Hobbies: It seems a bit irrelevant to mention your hobbies in your Resume. Which employer do you think will be interested in knowing your part time hobbies. Its pretty obvious that people now a days are quite professional and lack time. An employer is interested in knowing your worthiness only. Therefore, avoid hobbies as much as you can, till the time you have sufficient matter to mention.

So get set to build your Resume. First and Second years, pay attention to building up and collecting strong matter to mention in your Resume right now.  Hope these tips will prove to be immensely helpful for you!

Priyanka Dudeja | Content Writer | DU Times

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