It’s in the Mind!
The beginning of a new academic year always comes with a dab of anxiety, excitement, euphoria and uncertainty.
As it is rightly said -‘ We suffer more in our imagination than in reality.’ Well, it is human nature to fabricate the reality and cook up delusions; thinking of which- make us squirm in our seats.
By now I think you would have got a hint of what I am implying on- ‘It’s all about the mindset!’. If you find yourself in paradise it wouldn’t be long before your mind says ” Yes, But….”. All problems, anxieties are illusions of the mind. It’s all about realizing that there are no problems. Only situations- to be dealt with now or to be left alone and accepted.
In the purview of college life- it is an open avenue- where you would experience a new influx of people into your lives, different ideologies, probably a new place to stay etc. All of these changes and the tinge of new found freedom which every college student experiences might sometimes trigger restlessness and apprehension.
Here are some indispensable strategies you can employ to develop a healthy mindset:
- Acknowledge that change is possible. The mind has the capacity to unlearn and relearn.
- Take control of the situation. Don’t allow yourself to believe that the power lies with someone else . Turn it around and see yourself in control.
- Be authentic in what you are doing. Always be yourself! When you are being yourself your energy and enthusiasm will be felt by everyone.
- Be confident about what you have to offer. The implicit understanding is that it is up to you to have the confidence to portray your value.
All it takes is a positive attitude and a healthy mindset to make the possibilities of success limitless
For the bookworms!
Here are some suggested books , which can be your companion when you experience one of those times where you are fighting with yourself!
- The Power of Now– Eckhart Tolle
- The Intention Experiment– Lynee Mc Taggart
- Reality at Dawn– Ram Chandra
On a personal note, I feel the mentioned books can be used as a self guide. The words on the pages of such books appear really true and convincing when we are in a stale mindset and immediately triggers a new spark and avenue of optimistic thought.
As Tim Shriver’s puts it- “A rising tide lifts all boats. It’s not just the kids with problems, but all kids who can benefit from these skills; these are an inoculation for life.”
All the best DUites!
Have a great academic year ahead…..