
The system of dowry in marriages has been haunting our society for a long time. This is a social curse, which has gone unchecked,...

How covid 19 era has proven to be a catalyst to strengthen your digital...

  The impact of COVID 19 on our civilization is massive, universal and likely to be long lasting. This pandemic is disrupting the business world...

Advantages of IELTS for work, study and immigration

IELTS or an international English language testing system is an exam you give if you want to study or work at a place where...

Toxic Masculinity!

Topic- How does patriarchy perpetuate toxic masculinity? Discuss giving examples. Introduction- Toxic masculinity refers to gender norms and beliefs about masculinity that not only harm society but also negatively...
foreign language courses

“Join DU for the experience”

While admissions, we all face numerous doubts south campus or north? course or college? friends or future? career or fun? while some just have one parameter, koi bhi Mil...

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Pt. Deendayal Upadhyaya : A National Seminar

Hansraj College’s Bharatiya Jnana Parampara Kendra, in collaboration with the Department of Philosophy, hosted a national seminar to delve into the life, ideals, and...

Cyberbullying: Understanding Causes, Effects, and Prevention

Cyberbullying: Understanding Causes, Effects, and Prevention Introduction  Digital age, technology advancements have redefined the dynamics of communication, socialization and interaction. Although the internet provides numerous ways...

Child: A Kite, Roaming in Endless Skies

Child: A Kite, Roaming in Endless Skies In the canvas of life, a child is comparable to a kite in the sky, dancing and floating...

Cultivating Self Confidence: Strategies for Building Self-Confidence

Cultivating Self Confidence: Strategies for Building Self-Confidence Introduction  Self-Confidence is a necessary quality that allows people to chase their objectives, meet difficulties, and shine in every...

Mastering the Art of Effective Communication

Mastering the Art of Effective Communication Introduction: Human beings understand each other and share ideas, emotions and information through communication. However, it is not enough to...