
Are Reservations in Indian Education System justified?

The caste system has always been the rock in the progress of India and now the education system suffers with it too. When Reservation was...

Department of Business Economics, DU open Admissions for MBA (BE) Session 2016-17

Department of Business Economics, University of Delhi open admission to its flagship course MBA (Business Economics). Last date to apply: 7th January, 2016. Acceptable...

Is CBCS a setback? – All you need to know about CBCS-

Freshers in a setback with CBCS? All that you need to know about it. (Choice based Credit System) 1. What ‘Choice’ are you talking about? A student has...

Top 10 Universities of the World

Some universities are considered among the best because of their excellent infrastructure, trained academic faculty and co curricular facilities, to facilitate overall development of...

Delhi University declares sixth Cut-Off list 2015

Delhi University today announced its sixth cut-off list even as most colleges closed admissions to popular undergraduate programmes with only a few reserved category...

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Cyberbullying: Understanding Causes, Effects, and Prevention

Cyberbullying: Understanding Causes, Effects, and Prevention Introduction  Digital age, technology advancements have redefined the dynamics of communication, socialization and interaction. Although the internet provides numerous ways...

Child: A Kite, Roaming in Endless Skies

Child: A Kite, Roaming in Endless Skies In the canvas of life, a child is comparable to a kite in the sky, dancing and floating...

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Cultivating Self Confidence: Strategies for Building Self-Confidence Introduction  Self-Confidence is a necessary quality that allows people to chase their objectives, meet difficulties, and shine in every...

Mastering the Art of Effective Communication

Mastering the Art of Effective Communication Introduction: Human beings understand each other and share ideas, emotions and information through communication. However, it is not enough to...

The Science of Happiness

The Science of Happiness  Introduction Happiness is a pursuit that is universal, and which is central to human existence. It involves joy, satisfaction and contentment in...