Let’s Vouch for a Greener Planet This Environment Day


Hi friends ! The day that has just gone by has seen most of us with a charged selves with respect to our care and concern for the environment and how with a big nod we approved the steps taken by ministry or the organizations towards the aforesaid goal. Most of us are conscientious and aware of the fact that how we are stakeholders in the welfare of our Earth and must stand up towards maintaining its health. However this new conscientious awakening which is greater than any five six years before , has been more inclined towards a ideologue of ‘ Saving our Earth ‘ but with a very rare real prompting to actually initiate some environment friendly action. No generalization but this is how most of us respond to the present question. With the theme of the World Environment Day this year as ‘ Seven billion Dreams. One planet. Consume with care’, has been flashed around through the bill boards and hoardings and posters, the realization of its true meanings and implications are still somewhere distant from us in terms of our individual way out of the environmental crisis. Presently India ranks at 155 in the Global Environment Performance Index and together with a new conscientious awakening along with dedicated administrative efforts at the ministerial and local levels can significantly help the country to tread the path of sustainable growth development. Launched by United Nations Convention on Environmental Protection in 1972, World Environment Day has come out as a broad global platform for public outreach with stakeholders in over 100 nations. The day is also marked as people’s day as the global outreach program considers each of us to be active stakeholders of our planet Earth and hails the day as the biggest day for positive environment action. One of the active participants among the countries which support the idea of conserving our critical ecosystem, India has been evolving in this regard. The best illustration is the triumph of the ‘ Save Tiger Project’ which has been successful and now we can proudly assert that India has 70 % of World’s tiger population, according to the new tiger census released this year.

Okay so our country is progressing we might say, with certain reservations, and is making strides to implement certain other number of programmes for conserving and protecting environment. but should that suffice..or better should the success, quasi success or failure of those programmes takes away the individual responsibilities which we bear as active stakeholders of this Mother Earth. Most of us are caught today in the hustle and bustle of the city life, with we having little times to ourselves, so how would the question of taking out time for environment arise ? Okayy..so this is indeed a real time balancing act, and it will not be plausible to join some weekend NGO work nor to go miles away to do something concrete. I guess if we can incorporate in our daily routines some small and creative steps to conserve our environment, we can create or anticipate ourselves as the exponential change makers .

Some of the creative DIY ways like not drying in your clothes and letting wet clothes dry in the open air may well contribute the little moisture, which our climate..especially Delhi is so lacking in. Or may be to say no to plastic bags may significantly reduce the threat of certain dangerous chemicals to be remitted when it is burned off , or may be vouching the welfare association of the societies we live in to start a rainwater harvesting technique in the locality would do. In our small houses we may as well decorate our balconies with fresh plants helping us to breathe in some oxygen during early daily hours. I am sure almost each one of us know about these small tips through which we can contribute our bit in environmental conservation but have somewhat been so caught up in our fast paced lives that it is when we realize it’s the day for the environment ,that all our forgotten concerns and resolutions resurface. Chill Friends ! Now by inculcating some of the Do it yourself tips we can really be a paradigm for change not just for the world/ country/society but most importantly for our own selves who would be happy to see us finally giving our resolutions a real plan of action !

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