How to score good marks in semester exams?

Do you want to score better?

Your score is undoubtedly an essential element whenever someone decides your capabilities. Thus even those students who are not interested in academics have a very strong hype to get a good SGPA in semester exams of college. The question is if the classes remain the same and everybody has the common recommended books and their notes then why do we observe dispersion in marks of class? Why is it so that people want to have good marks but don’t know the way? This creates ambiguity among students that at the end of the day forces them to cheat. This is because they don’t know the way to get to the destination but can’t deny the significance of their semester grades. This blog will provide you with some answer-writing tips that you must follow while writing an examination:- 

Start with good handwriting 

Students under graduation especially from subjects of humanities,  need to write mini booklets in the examination. On average to score good marks, it generally takes 40 pages for each examination. Thus it becomes difficult for college students to manage good handwriting throughout the examination. It is a well-known fact that the first impression is the last, thus it becomes necessary that you start with your best handwriting. If you start with good handwriting, it becomes understandable at the end of the examination with some average level of handwriting. This will help your answer sheet in impression formation. 

Learn to elaborate 

Sometimes we are not aware of facts and figures. Either we know some limited facts or we know a lot of facts. In case of deficiency of facts try to elaborate the factual data. Please change paragraphs and points frequently that will help to make an impression that your concepts are completely clear. Thus elaboration is the skill you require here. 

In the case where you have an excessive amount of facts then you should learn the skill to write concisely. You must use fewer words to put forward more facts. This will make your answer a comprehensive one 

Use technical words 

Words are the things that describe the final victory. Please accumulate your dictionary of technical words of the concept you are studying. Even the situations when you lack time to complete an answer, You can make a chart of the technical words that you have learned. You will be awarded some marks in the examination as this makes an impression that you knew the answer but under certain circumstances, you couldn’t write it 

Effective time management 

Time management by the distribution of answers is one of the crucial things that you must follow. You must have decided on a prior basis how much time you are going to provide for each answer. For instance, you have decided that for a 20-marker answer, you will devote your precious 40 minutes. Thereafter in any situation, you must not exceed the time limit. In case you find that there are many concepts that you need to mention, just make a chart and conclude the answer. Time management is one of the things that will make you way ahead 

Try the answer first which you know 

The answer that you know means that you have the clarity of the concepts here. The concepts in which you are clear will tend to increase your writing speed. This will not only save you time but also help you to build confidence that you are doing well in your examinations. Thus please attempt those questions first which you know very well. For this, a prior quick glimpse of the question paper is required. 

Revise your notes one day prior 

No matter how much you have the clarity in concepts, you must require the revision. This revision will help you to crystallize the concepts and will help you to make mind maps. This will help you to relate the different concepts in an effective way that will make your concepts more comprehensive. Try to make your answer logical and reasonable. This will help your answer to be more effective. Thus whatever notes that you are having and the technical words, you must revise it one day prior. 

Thus in a nutshell we shall conclude that we must make the answer comprehensive, concise, and elaborative which will surely attract a very nice CGPA to you. Remember that it is just your answer writing skill that will help you score good marks. Sometimes your words matter a lot. If you are wise enough to use your words, this will surely benefit you. 


Images credit- Freepik images and from google search engines.

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