Divided by boundaries, United by DU

Delhi University, it’s not just a bunch of colleges it’s rather a home to thousands of students. The university accepts you, moulds you and makes you better in numerous ways.
When I say it’s a home to students, I mean a home to people from different cultures, states and even countries. You’d meet people from various backgrounds and learn from them about their culture and tell some about yours. This broadens our mind as an individual to know how people vary so much within a nation. It helps us grow and develop a better understanding.
This inter-cultural transfer is very helpful for a growing student. It gives us a different perspective and makes us respect every belief. By letting students from all over the country and even from other countries enrol, colleges promote and instil equality. They provide equal opportunity to develop and become something to each one of us, it’s on us how we use it to our best abilities.
All of us at the DU family are indeed, divided by boundaries and United by Delhi University.
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She's in 1st year, pursuing Journalism honors from Kalindi college. She was an active union volunteer in 1st year, in discipline and media coverage. She loves reading and writing and have written a few articles for college's newsletter.


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