Why to travel alone?

Nowadays there is a proper cliché of people “traveling solo”. My feeds are often full of pictures of people on a solo trip to lands far off lands about which I have only dreamt off. Even with a ton of positive press on setting out to see the world on my own, second thoughts arise. Safety concerns, loneliness and boredom can make solo traveling unappealing. Even more when you are a woman. Traveling solo is even more challenging when the globe is full of gender inequalities. So is it good to travel alone?

There are many veteran travelers having memories of extraordinary, eye opening solo trips to glorious days when they set out alone and found and saw things that they might not have seen otherwise. One of the best parts about solo traveling is that you’ll meet more locals. If you are with a partner or a friend it’s tempting to talk mostly with each other rather than outsiders but if you will be all by yourself it becomes easier to strike a conversation with the outsiders or locals and you can get to know more people.

The next best thing about traveling solo is you can change your plans on a dime. When traveling alone you can simply change your decisions carefree you don’t have to give second thoughts thinking about others or about the majority. The most striking thing about solo traveling is that it builds your confidence .Being able to get yourself out of a jam or figure out where you are when lost gives a sense of confidence and faith in your resourcefulness it also makes you more creative at problem solving.

Also when you venture out into the world of your own, you eventually learn who you are, what are your hidden interests and capabilities. One also learns about one’s own strengths and weaknesses. Traveling with others can give you fun, friendship and diversion but traveling alone you might find yourself!

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She is a 3rd year literature student from Lakshmi Bai College. She is a voracious reader and a theatre enthusiast.


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