
Environmental Impact of Fast Fashion

We’ve all heard the phrase ‘Fast Fashion’ making its way into conversations around us. However, what does the term fast fashion mean? Fast Fashion...

Tips to Dress Up on the First Day of College for GIRLS

Finally the big day is over the edge -  The First Day At College; the day you have been so eagerly waiting for.  Now...

Wardrobe Essentials For College Guys

Does not matter if you are a girl or a guy, packing for college can be as stressful as applying to college but hey...

10 Fashion Trends That Will Rule 2016

2015 had a lot of fashion hits and these hits are surely coming back. Majority of the trends were inspired from runway shows. In...

Fashion Trends for This Summer….!

In our society there is a lot of respect given to fashion and fashionable people, who follow the newest fashion trends. Whether you’re working...